A girl took justice to the judge

A girl took justice to the judge

The woman said, a boy has robbed me of my conscience.
The judge summoned the boy.
The boy said, I did not force anybody. I have a relationship with him for a long time now.
The judge fell into a little problem, because the incident was not one side of the boy, or was the consent of two people?
The judge invented a technique and gave a new 500 rupee note to the girl, a week later, if you could bring this note to me, you would not be guilty.
She went home with a note of 500 rupees.
The judge called the boy and said, how are you
Take a 500 rupee note from this girl.
The boy went to the girl and this 500 rupee note
Many people have begun praying for it, did not work.
Lastly, 500 taka notes wanted to buy two thousand taka. Not working. After that, the boy forced the girl to hit the body and took the money. No work done.
Two weeks later, two people came to the judge, the girl complained, the great judge, she went to my house and forced to take this note. Finally I hit my body, I did not even give it to you.
The judge said, I have no more left to understand. How to save the 500 rupee notes, if you want you could protect it like that. Both are equal criminals.


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